quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012

I have decided smille for the pictures! Not say I hate! Dance all kinds of music!
I have decided that I can say I do nothing, because it's what I have been doing for a while, and thats is not a problem!
I have decided that I don't need smille if I dont want, but I can smille for all stupid jokes thats makes me smille!
I have decided that I don't need to say goodbye, because I Know I'll be back!
I have decided that it's okay be perfectionist, but it's okay make all this mistakes!
I have decided that I'll follow more what I fell that what I think!
I have decided that I can be whatever I want, and I learned everthing is a oportunity!
I have decided that I'll just chill out and wait, fell, love, smille, be, think, learn, listen, what is the best for me!